InBody 770
The InBody 770 diagnostic instrument is one of the most reliable professional instruments for diagnosis and analysis of human body composition. The InBody brand is world-renowned in the medical and sports research field and will guarantee you premium quality and customer-proven reliability. InBody 770 instruments perform highly accurate, fast and safe analysis of the human body using unique technology.
What is the InBody 770?
With the InBody 770, you will be amazed by the simplicity and speed of measurement. The analysis itself only takes a few seconds and the person being measured learns a great deal of accurate information about their body.
On different parts of the body, it measures how much fat and water a person has in his/her body, distinguishes the weight of muscles and bones and calculates the basal metabolism. Based on these results, further action can be targeted, whether weight loss, maintenance or weight gain. With the InBody 770, you can have a clear overview of where you have specifically reduced body fat or gained muscle mass.
How to prepare for the InBody 770 analysis?

- Do not eat or drink 2-3 hours before measurement
- Refrain from exercise and major physical exertion before measuring
- Don’t shower or go to the sauna before the measurement
- Do not take measurements during the menstrual cycle (skewed results due to water retention in the body)
- On the day of measurement, do not coat your hands and feet with oily cream
- Go to the toilet before measuring
- The analysis takes place without shoes and socks
- Remove all metal ornaments and jewellery before measuring
In the case of repeated measurements, try to keep the measurement conditions identical (i.e. wearing the same clothes, measuring before eating or exercising, preferably at the same time)