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Painless cellulite removal

Zoi Centrum Vitality is proud to present the latest generation LPG Cellu M6® Alliance – a cosmetic device enabling non-invasive treatment of the body, face and décolleté using the endermologie® method.

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The treatment works on the principle of suction, vacuum and mechanical stimulation, and allows a completely new way of activating the skin tissue. In just a few treatments it is possible to change your body permanently. The treatment is pleasant to relaxing, but most importantly it respects the natural integrity of the skin and works without needles or scalpel.

The Endermologie® method breaks down resistant fat resistant to exercise and dieting. It is the only technology that can release even the fat deposited under the topmost layer of the skin, which cannot be removed even by liposuction. Targeted fat elimination takes place in all layers of the skin, not just on the surface.

You will see visible results after just 3 visits


The Endermologie® technology uses several patented heads with sensors to read the skin. This allows it to tailor the treatment to the specific needs of your particular skin type and naturally help you with any problem areas. This is the only way to make sure you get the most out of your treatment.

The patented motorized roller and flap technology combined with sequential vacuum stimulates the tissue deeply in all layers. They activate lipolysis (the splitting and release of fat) in the nucleus of the adipocyte (fat cell). In layman’s terms – fat cells are crushed and destroyed once and for all. Say goodbye to them too!


Facial and décolleté treatment results

  • Visibly brightens and firms skin and facial contours
  • Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles on the face and décolleté
  • Supplements hyaluronic acid
  • Skin gets a new shine and elasticity

Results of body treatments

  • Breaks down subcutaneous fat
  • Smoothes orange skin
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Supplements collagen and elastin
  • The treatment is non-invasive, nothing as frighteningly irreversible as needles and a scalpel.

The benefits of endermologie® are far from over

  • In collaboration with leading French manufacturers, LPG® has developed its own brand of cosmetics that synergistically multiplies the effect of endermologie®. Global brands such as L’Oreal and Dior also participated in the development. By using LPG® cosmetics together with regular endermologie® treatments, you will achieve amazing results after just 3 treatments:

    • +70 % removal of local resistant fat
    • -5.2 cm waist slimming
    • 67% smoothing of orange skin
    • 71% skin firming

You can try the device for free at the Vitality Zoi Centre.

An impressive number of more than 128 independent scientific studies confirm the effects of endermologie® because it is not enough to make claims – LPG has always been careful to back up its claims with scientific evidence. It will take a while to read them though – better book a free trial treatment!





Frequently Asked Questions



Relaxation – Would you like to relax after a hard day? Have you had a heavy exercise load and feel tired and sore? Then this treatment is just for you. This treatment will relax and unwind your whole body. The feeling of relaxation can be multiplied if you use products or food supplements from LPG.

Drainage and detox – Are you tired? Are you experiencing feelings of heavy legs? This probably means that you need to get your lymph flowing and detoxify your whole body. If you attend the treatment regularly and use products and supplements from LPG, the effect of the treatment can be multiplied.

Young Mum – Are you postpartum and would you like to relax and unwind? This treatment is specially designed for new mothers.

Varicose veins – Do you have a sedentary job? Or on the contrary, do you stand on your feet all day without being able to sit down and throw your legs up for a while? Would you like to prevent varicose veins? Then this treatment is just for you. The effect can be multiplied by using products or supplements from LPG.

Endermopuncture – Do you feel like you look tired? Do you want to feel better? Would you like to not only look but also feel fresh again? Then this treatment is just for you. It regenerates cells and is unique because it is based on the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. With regular application of this treatment, the effect is multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Targeted care – In this treatment, you choose which part of the body you want to focus on, whether it’s the tummy, hips, buttocks, legs or arms. Up to three areas can be combined in one treatment. If you attend the treatment regularly, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or food supplements from LPG.


Skin Brightening – Are you about to attend a corporate event, party, prom or going out and would like to brighten your skin, soften wrinkles and generally look fresher and more refreshed? Then this treatment is for you. With regular attendance at the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Drainage and detox – Have you had a busy day? Do you see that your skin has been looking tired for a while? Or have you just had a more demanding event/evening and need to get the lymph flowing in your face and detoxify your face to rid it of harmful substances? Then this treatment is for you. With regular attendance at the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Neckline and bust – Would you like to soften the wrinkles in your neckline and bust? You do not want to undergo invasive procedures? Then this treatment is just for you. With regular attendance at the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Anti-aging skin filling – Are you suffering from facial wrinkles? Would you like to smooth your skin? Then this treatment is just for you. With regular attendance at the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Anti-aging skin firming – Are you noticing that your skin is starting to sag and lifeless? Would you like your skin to become more supple and firm again? Then this treatment is for you. With regular attendance at this treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Anti-aging facial contour restoration – Are you suffering from sagging skin under your chin? Would you like to restore the contours of your face so that it looks more youthful? Then this treatment is just for you. With regular attendance at the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Perfect eyes and lips – Would you like to reduce your wrinkles around your eyes? Would you like your lips to be a little fuller? Then this treatment is for you. If you come regularly for the treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Cell regeneration – Want to feel better? Do you feel that your face looks very tired and lifeless? Would you like to look but also feel fresh again? Then this treatment is just for you. It regenerates the cells on your face, neck and décolleté and is unique because it is based on the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. With regular treatment, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Targeted care – In this treatment, you choose which part of your face you want to focus on. Whether it’s the forehead, eyes, lips, cheeks, etc. Multiple parts of the face can be combined in one treatment. If you attend the treatment regularly, the effect is of course multiplied. Especially if you support it with products or dietary supplements from LPG.

Take advantage of the booking option!

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