Complaints Procedure
ZOI CENTRUM VITALITY (operator Amavalé s. r. o., Kobrova 3354/5, Smíchov, 150 00 Prague, registered in C 345778/MSPH Municipal Court in Prague), (hereinafter referred to as „Centre“ or „Seller“), issues with effect from 3 January 2021 this Complaints Procedure for the purpose of sale of goods (hereinafter referred to as „Complaints Procedure“):
I. General provisions
- The Complaints Procedure is an integral part of the Centre’s Terms and Conditions of Business.The Complaints Procedure sets out the procedure for complaining about goods or services purchased as part of online sales or credit top-ups for the Centre’s activities (hereinafter referred to as „goods“ or „product“).
- The definitions of terms contained in this Complaints Policy shall take precedence over the definitions of terms in the Terms and Conditions. If this Complaints Procedure does not define a term, the definition of the term set out in the Terms and Conditions shall apply. Terms not defined in these Complaints Regulations or the Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the applicable Czech legislation. The Customer (hereinafter also referred to as the „Buyer“) is obliged to familiarize himself with this Complaints Procedure and the Terms and Conditions before ordering goods or services.
II. Complaints
- The Seller shall be liable for defects in the goods or services that become apparent within the statutory warranty period, which starts from the date of receipt of the goods or services (hereinafter also referred to as the „warranty period“, „guarantee“ or „defect liability period“).
- If the Centre cancels a reservation for which the Customer has already purchased admission, i.e. at the time after check-in at the Centre’s reception, the Customer will be refunded the full amount of the admission fee. It is a condition of the validity of the guarantee that the Customer initiates the complaint procedure within the period of the guarantee and without delay after the defect has been detected and complains about the defect found in the goods/service.
- The buyer is obliged to provide proof of purchase of the goods/service or otherwise prove the establishment of the contractual relationship in order to effectively initiate the complaint procedure.
- The place of filing a claim is the reception of the Centre, and the claim can be filed in person at the Centre or by mail or email at
- If the Buyer makes a claim and reproaches the Seller for defects in the goods/service, the Seller shall make a record of it, which shall include the date of initiation of the claim procedure, the specification of the goods/service, the designation of the defective feature, the method of settlement of the claim requested by the Buyer, the date of settlement of the claim.
- In the case of an acknowledged claim, the warranty period shall not include the time elapsed from the date of exercising the right from the defective performance until the day when the buyer was obliged to take over the product after the repair was completed.
- The complaint procedure must be concluded by the issuance of a decision on the complaint, including the date and manner of settlement of the complaint, confirmation of the repair and the duration of the repair, or written justification for the rejection of the complaint.